Are your employees constantly complaining about their chairs? Are you routinely guessing at what chairs to buy employees, using cost to drive your selection? Or perhaps you’ve experienced a high volume of seated work injuries?
Read MoreAs a pioneer in the ergonomics consulting industry since 1993, Alison has used her expertise, experience, know-how and savvy to change the way people work from employee to employee, organization to organization resulting in improved employee health and organizational productivity. Alison Heller-Ono PT, CDA, CPE Certified Management Consultant President/CEO 831-648-8724
Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on September 13, 2017
Are your employees constantly complaining about their chairs? Are you routinely guessing at what chairs to buy employees, using cost to drive your selection? Or perhaps you’ve experienced a high volume of seated work injuries?
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on July 26, 2017
After many months of hard work and preparation, our member portal is ready! I’m so excited to bring our robust ergonomics process tools and strategies found in the Worksite International Ergonomics Process (WIEP) to employers who are interested to launch and use an easy, sustainable, organizational process designed to prevent injuries, improve employee productivity and save thousands in claim avoidance.
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on February 3, 2017
I know we have come a long way in ergonomic chair furniture design. The mechanisms are smoother, more intuitive to our bodies, improved fabric and cushion comfort, more sustainable, but when is someone going to make a "smart chair" for all us chair addicts?
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on January 17, 2017
We made it to 2017… of course! But what’s in store for us in the business world in the coming months? Just a few developments, predictions and trends come to mind:
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on September 9, 2016
The purchase and implementation of your ergonomic chairs shouldn’t be a guess! Yet, I’ve seen over and over how many employers seem to do just that… guess. Random selection based on pictures in a catalog or based on an arbitrary budget and no objective criteria seem to be the drivers behind choosing standard chairs at most workplaces.
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on August 16, 2016
Developing, implementing and managing an ergonomics process (EP) is a worthwhile endeavor resulting in a positive and rewarding experience for all those involved. When properly constructed it engages and influences employees and management alike in an area that requires our undivided attention, our own health, wellness and safety. A successful ergonomics process will change the way the organization and those within operate on a day to day basis.
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on July 22, 2016
Workers’ compensation ergonomic worksite analysis (EWA) involves a professional onsite analysis of the injured worker and a comprehensive medical-legal report of findings and recommendations. The report is intended to be evidenced- based, objective and defensible in a court of law as it is part of the medical management of the claim. As such, the document represents the professional ergonomist’s expertise in what the work injury causation is and how to mitigate the exposures causing the injury. The ergonomic analysis is a “recipe” for worksite changes to minimize or eliminate to the extent feasible the risk factors so the injured worker can stay at work or return to work safely
But what happens if the claim goes sideways and your employee decides to sue you? Will the ergonomic analysis help or hurt you in court?
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on May 14, 2016
Selecting ergonomic chairs for a diverse workforce is not easy to do. I find most employers, including purchasing managers or in-house ergonomics support tasked with selecting and purchasing ergonomic chairs often choose poorly. Primarily because they don't utilize good criteria to select from or know where to find the criteria. Many select chairs based on the lowest price which is a recipe for failure! With sitting time increasing for most of us to 7 or more hours a day in the office, investing in comfortable, supportive ergonomic chairs as a capital asset is a must!
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on April 12, 2016
And, I don't mean tidy, orderly and clean at your desk. If you are not NEAT, you should be! NEAT is an acronym for "Nonexercise Activity Thermogenesis".
NEAT is the basic daily activity we should be doing, but we aren't because we are sitting too much. We have become chained to our computers, phones and iPads. We commute long hours to work in our cars then camp out on the couch at night watching the hi-def 54" TV! NEAT is the energy expenditure of all physical activities other than volitional sporting-like exercise. It ranges from the energy we expend walking in the grocery store, walking the hallways at work, typing, performing physical tasks and even fidgeting.
Read MorePosted by Alison Heller-Ono on January 21, 2016