Worksite International Blog

Ten (10) Tenets of CEOs Who Believe in Ergonomics

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on July 26, 2022

As a leader in the organization and at the top of the organizational chart, it is the CEO who drives change and imparts his/her vision and values onto the organization. It has become imperative that CEOs and top executives focus on strategies that support growth, employee retention, organizational health, and employee well-being.

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Is Ergonomic Equipment for Home a Reasonable Accommodation?

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on July 7, 2022

Working remotely has its pros and cons as we have all learned. There are some really great benefits of work from home, but the downside, can be problematic. One of the limitations is not having the best ergonomic set up at home leading to lost productivity, impaired performance, and injury.

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How to Plan your Annual Ergonomics Budget

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on June 13, 2022

The budget process is an annual or monthly endeavor for companies to plan for purchases, services, and staff needs. However, one important cost allocation is routinely missing. 

Often, I’ll hear prospects shopping for ergonomics services say, “We don’t have a budget for ergonomics.”

Sadly, most employers don’t have a line item or planned budget for ergonomics programs and training. Yet doing so would make tremendous sense, given our reliance on technology, remote work, and the exposure to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) associated with prolonged sitting and computer use.

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The Employee's Ergonomics Journey

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on May 2, 2022

What does your employee's ergonomics journey look like?

Every organization who has an ergonomics program that offers ergonomics evaluations creates a journey for its employees. What does your employee ergonomics journey look like? 

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Top Ten Responsibilities of an Ergonomics Process Leader

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on April 12, 2022

Our new way of working requires a new way to lead.

Leadership is a hot topic. That's because we need B.R.A.V.E. leaders when times are challenging. With the growing focus on health, safety, and well-being in the workplace, it's the perfect time to elevate the need for ergonomics as a leadership driven change management strategy that addresses the way we work today. 

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Who Is Your Ergonomics Process Leader?

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on March 22, 2022

Our New Way of Working Requires a New Way of Leading

We are never going back to how we were! While this is the nature of progress, the pandemic accelerated change in ways we never imagined. It brought to the surface humanity's need to change quicker than any of us could conceive. Everything we do is now altered including how we communicate, socialize, shop, travel, use healthcare, and technology. Every facet of our lives - especially work - is different. 

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Ergonomics Program or Ergonomics Process, Which Offers More Value?

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on February 22, 2022

Are you taking a transactional approach to ergonomics?

Let me explain. 

Many employers take a transactional approach to their ergonomics program, buying ergonomics services as needed in reaction to a situation or employee concern. It is the most common way employers consume ergonomics.

But is it the most effective or efficient way?

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Top 10 Pandemic Predictions for Workplace Ergonomics in 2022 and How to Prove Them Wrong

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on January 5, 2022

What the Experts Say

The pandemic is unfortunately here to stay for at least two more years says Toolie Garner, a remote leadership expert. Toolie and I spoke recently where she indicated it will literally take the entire world getting vaccinated before the pandemic slows. New variants will continue to emerge and air travel makes it easy for the virus variants to spread globally.

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Set Your SMART Goals In 2022

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on January 4, 2022

Are You a Goal Setter? 

Goals are meaningless without a plan that sets out how you will achieve them. If you want to achieve a certain goal, then you must build a path toward that goal. Goal-setting helps to prioritize your workload, build good habits so you can make everyday count. This blog focuses on two methods to achieve your goals in 2022. 

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SEFA Spells Safe in the Laboratory

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on November 10, 2021


About SEFA

Up until a few months ago, I had not heard of SEFA. It just wasn’t on my radar. But now it is! As a certified professional ergonomist with a focus on laboratory ergonomics over the last several decades, I’m grateful to become acquainted with this unique association.

Having served on the BIFMA G1-2022 (pending approval) committee, and my love of laboratory science, I was keenly interested in SEFA.

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