Worksite International Blog

Home Office Survival Guide

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on March 24, 2020

Now more than ever we need a home office survival guide! Working from home is not easy. It may sound like a luxury to some, but now it is a reality for many of us. If you don't have a designated office space at home, it can be a challenge. Especially with kids running around, your spouse, the dog barking and numerous other distractions. 

Where ever you settle into, make sure you follow these simple do's and don'ts along with the five steps to setting up your workstation at home. While you are protecting yourself from contracting COVID19, you also want to avoid the common ailments associated with sitting at the computer all day. Back pain, neck tension, wrist and hand soreness can all occur at home just as easily as at work.

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Is Work from Home Our New Way of Working?

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on March 13, 2020

The New Normal, At Least For Now

It's hard to say how long the COVID-19 virus will continue to change how we do business and interact. With the shutdown of significant sporting events, university closures, lights out on Broadway, and even the closure of Disneyland, we all need to batten down, at least for now. The economy is so hard hit in just a few weeks; it's like it has the Coronavirus.

This global pandemic has made it certain government is vital in managing public health. What is unclear is why some countries have responded well, and others are in chaos. It comes down to leadership, preparedness, readiness, and a systems approach-all vital components of organizational ergonomics and human factors.

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Proactive Office Ergonomics: An Online Training Case Study

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on February 6, 2020

Businesses tend to be reactive when it comes to employee health and safety, mostly because they don’t budget for prevention. Employers typically wait to act until after a workers’ compensation claim occurs. By then, it is too late! Not only did the employer miss the early warning signs and an opportunity to prevent the injury, now the financial implications are real. In California, the average cost of a typical seated work injury is at least $40,000 per case, according to the California Division of Workers’ Compensation.

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Ergonomics is Neither Intuitive Nor Common Sense

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on January 1, 2020

“We all know how to do our jobs, but no one has ever taught us how to work safely and with good ergonomics." ~ Alison Heller-Ono MSPT, CPE

Employers today face an ever-changing, complex work environment. The challenges are significant, ranging from new employment laws to changing work schedules allowing employees to work from anywhere at any time to a deepening multi-generational workforce. Beyond the human aspect is the rapid advances in technology, which we all must embrace. Employers must take these factors into account as the socio-technical system of work evolves, becoming more complicated into the next decade.

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20 Questions to Prepare Your In-House Ergonomic Evaluator(s) for Success

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on December 16, 2019

Every employer has employees exposed to ergonomic risk factors in the workplace. Whether it is repetitive motion, awkward postures or forceful exertion, all employees face these primary risk factors. These are the most common precursors to a work injury.

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5 Steps to Setting Up an Ergonomic Workstation [Infographic]

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on October 31, 2019

Help any employee who uses a computer with these 5 simple steps to set up an office ergonomic workstation. The steps are easy. Start first with establishing neutral posture in the chair with your feet on the floor or footrest. Then progress to keyboard and mouse placement (keyboard tray), followed by desk height adjustment as able, then monitor height, and lastly, organize everything else within easy reach.

Good ergonomics takes practice. Whether sitting or standing, follow the five steps every day to make them a habit! Print out the infographic below and tack it to your cubical panel or somewhere convenient where everyone can see it.

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Is Office Ergonomics Training a Regulatory Requirement?

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on October 18, 2019

Under Federal Law, there are currently no regulations mandating ergonomics training for employees. However, there are OSHA standards in hazard awareness explicitly requiring employers to train employees in safe and healthy work practices. Exposure to ergonomic risk factors is a known hazard for many jobs. So, it makes sense to educate employees on how these exposures could impact them or cause a musculoskeletal disorder, and how they can minimize the risks.

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Should Ergonomics Training Be Mandatory or Voluntary?

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on October 3, 2019

Training is an investment in your employees, your most critical asset and provides an opportunity to truly enhance performance, knowledge, and skills. Choosing to make it voluntary or mandatory is important in experiencing the desired outcome. Employers most often choose to offer ergonomics training on a voluntary basis rather than making it mandatory. When training is voluntary, it diminishes the importance and makes it optional. By doing so, the message is clear, “You don’t really need this; we are offering this because we think we should."

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How Psychology Impacts Ergonomics and Workers’ Comp Claims

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on September 25, 2019

The World Health Organization describes work-related stress as having the potential to negatively affect an individual’s psychological and physical health - and an organization’s effectiveness. It’s a significant challenge to workers’ and organizational health world-wide.

Here’s a story about how Rachael, an administrative assistant, had trouble resolving her physical discomfort even after medical management and ergonomics. You’ll discover steps organizations can take to deal with complex workers’ comp claims.

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Employer’s Guide to Developing a Sit-Stand Workstation Policy

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on September 18, 2019

Many employers ask whether they must provide sit to stand workstations when employees request them. Employers are confused about how to be fair across the board concerning the implementation of these adjustable solutions. We have all seen it… provide for one employee and suddenly, it’s contagious and they all want it… whether it will benefit them or not. What is often lacking is a clearly defined policy and procedure for providing sit to stand workstations. Having a policy and procedure gives employers and employees structure, control and a fair-minded approach to this popular workplace solution.

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