Earn Your Professional Certificate

Certified Chair Assessment Specialist (CASp)

Includes 1:1 professional mentorship guidance for your transformation!

Become the Go-to-Chair Expert at Your Organization!

In just *12 weeks, you will become a Certified Chair Assessment Specialist (CASp). Learn the science of sitting, chair assessment, selection, and fit in our unique masterclass.

1. Define the numerous problems with ergonomic chairs in the workplace beyond chair misfits and failures. 

2. Justify why chairs are foundational to good ergonomics and essential as a system in the workplace. 

3. Learn about the global chair industry. Recognize good design vs. poor design common to ergonomic chairs and how to match the right chair to each person.

4. Inventory and assess your chairs using the Worksite International Chair Assessment System (CAS) software and Chair Assessment Tool.

5. Perform a chair fitting, select an appropriate chair, and write a professional chair fit report from methods and skills learned. 

And much more. 

Self-Paced & On-Demand + Live Coaching and Mentorship with a CPE

*Based on 2-3 hours a week of course activities.

Every Employer Needs a Qualified Chair Expert

Chairs are a primary risk in the modern office contributing to musculoskeletal disorders.

Every Employer Needs a Qualified Chair Expert
The Worksite International Chair Use Lifecycle model.

Seated work injuries cost employers an average of $40,000 per workers' compensation claim according to the Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau. Those claims are likely associated with poorly adjusted, old, or failing office chairs.

Your ergonomic chairs are the most important asset in the workplace, aside from the computer contributing to employee productivity. Yet, they are the most misunderstood, undervalued, and poorly managed assets in the workplace. Employers fail to recognize the chair life cycle of keep, repair, replace, and fit.

Become the certified Chair Assessment Specialist for your organization today! 

Become a Certified Chair Assessment Specialist (CASp)

Our Courses Offer Guided Practice Leading to Independent Performance

Understanding the science of sitting and the art of chair selection is the cornerstone of an office ergonomic evaluation. Every employer needs a chair expert! This course is ideal for:

  • Facilities Managers
  • Purchasing Managers
  • Health and Safety Managers
  • Risk Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Interior Designers
  • Architects
  • Chair Vendor Sales Teams
  • Loss Control Managers
  • Physical and Occupational Therapists
  • Ergonomics Specialists (corporate ergo teams)

The Worksite International Certified Chair Assessment Specialist (CASp) credential demonstrates your mastery of the methodology for effective chair assessment, fitting, and management. Earn your CASp Certificate by completing the course activities, passing the exam, and performing 3 chair fittings successfully. 

CASp Course Contents

Designed by a Board Certified Professional Ergonomist and Physical Therapist

To become a CASp, you will learn the science of sitting, chair assessment, selection and fit using our unique organizational approach to chair asset management. Plus, we've included other essential bonuses. 

Chair Assessment Training

Learn how to assess for chair quality, competency, and sustainability. Discover what truly makes a chair “ergonomic!”

  • Create a chair standards program for consistency in chair buying habits to avoid an inventory of bad chairs.
  • Utilize the WI Chair Assessment System software (PC Excel file) to
    • Determine whether to keep, repair/refurbish, or replace your chairs before they fail, reducing your liability and employee risk.
    • Maintain an inventory of your chair assets over their lifetime.
    • Make objective decisions about your chair fleet and take advantage of your chair warranty.

Chair Fit Training

Learn how to apply a valid, objective methodology to perform an accurate, prescriptive chair fitting for any individual or group of people.

  • Evaluate employees using our Chair Fit form to select the best chair based on task performance and fit needed.
  • Apply the BIFMA (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer Assoc.) guidelines to assist with chair selection and fit for multiple people or work areas.
  • Set up a chair lab with the best chairs for your organization or use what you have.
  • Determine the ROI of chair purchases to help substantiate your investments.

Personalized Coaching, Mentoring, and Feedback

Every step of your journey!

Unlike other programs, we make sure you are successful by supporting you every step of the way to ensure your transformation! You get over 6- hours of direct support through your journey.

  • Use the discussion in each learning module to ask questions directly to your instructor.
  • Milestone meetings with your ergonomics coach and mentor at strategic points in your journey.
  • Receive vital written feedback on all assignment submissions to ensure you are on the right track. 
  • Meet monthly at our WINetwork Expert Hour with your instructor and other students to learn valuable aspects of the ergo marketplace.
  • Be part of a community of like-minded professionals

Chair Assessment System Software

Our new Chair Assessment System cloud software helps you manage your chair assets from the time you purchase them, through the chair use lifecycle. Track chair assets for quality, competency, sustainability and more.

This software allows you to track and manage:

  • Track chair fittings and recommendations
  • Determine whether to keep, repair, replace and fit chairs
  • Inventory chairs for quality and competency
  • Track key performance indicators
  • Track critical costs and metrics related to chair asset management
  • Measure ROI for management and leadership.
  • Generate critical reports to show your valuable results and much more

CASp Best Value includes a start up trial of your first 10 chair cases. Track up to 100 chairs with the CASp Corporate Bundle.

Additional Bonus Courses

Focus on Office Ergonomics and Home Office Chairs

You'll receive access to our most popular bonus courses and membership programs  

These bonuses include access to: 

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Develop a chair asset management process including chair standards.
  2. Monitor and measure chair sustainability.
  3. Assist individuals with proper chair fit and use.
  4. Reduce organizational risk.
  5. Minimize worker’s comp claims for seated workers.
  6. Contribute to a comfortable, healthy, and productive workplace.
  7. Use the Chair Assessment System software to track all your chair assets, inventory and create other essential metrics and reports.

CASp Course Design & Delivery

Includes Live Coaching, Mentorship, and Support!

The only ergonomics course specifically dedicated to the Office Chair. Designed by Alison Heller-Ono, a Board Certified Professional Ergonomist and Physical Therapist. This course includes self-paced, on-demand learning, tools, and resources for ongoing success, plus live coaching, mentorship, and access to the WINetwork of Certified Ergonomics Specialists. 

Here's what to expect when you sign up.

  • Over 10- hours of training in chair assessment and how to perform an objective chair fitting
  • Access to 6-hours of valuable coaching videos with real-life case studies
  • Chair Assessment System software start up package to track your first 10 or 100 chairs. 
  • Three (3) one-on-one coaching sessions with your mentor for support as you complete each training program.
  • Feedback on all completed assignments so you know you are headed in the right direction.
  • 365 -days of access to instructional videos and course content.
  • A license to use the WI Chair Assessment System software which includes our chair assessment tool, chair inventory database and chair fit forms and database.
  • Engage in the WINetwork monthly Expert Hour with renowned experts in the Ergonomics marketplace who present their expertise in a private forum.
  • Receive valuable benefits in your  WINetwork of Certified Ergonomics Specialists membership.
  • And much more.

Note: Course content and exercises have been modified for social distancing and work from home environment.

Enrollment Options

Certified Chair Assessment Specialist (CASp)

The only training in the ergonomics marketplace to offer a comprehensive approach to the science of sitting, chair assessment, selection and fit.

Self-Paced & On-Demand + Live Coaching and Mentorship

CASp Course

Best Value

Master the art and science of chair assessments and fit. Everything you need to perform accurate ergonomic chair assessments. Includes WINetwork membership, CAS software, templates, tools, videos, and guided practice with your mentor.


CASp Budget-Minded

Monthly Payment Plan

Same CASp Best Value course content divided into a 4-month payment plan. All the same benefits and value!

4 months x $397.00/person


CASp Corporate Bundle

Includes Chair Assessment System

Your Corporate Bundle includes the CASp Best Value course for 12- months, multiple mentoring sessions, and more. Track your first fifty (50) chair cases using the Chair Assessment System (CAS) Software your first year.


CASp +COESp Masterclass Bundle

Perform Chair Fittings + Office Ergo Evals

Combine CASp with COESp to master chair assessments, chair fittings, and preventive office ergonomic assessments. Includes both the Ergo-Case Tracker and the Chair Assessment System software. Exceptional value and benefits. Save $300.00!


Payment plans on request.

An annual renewal fee is required to maintain your certificate, use the software license, and continue to be a part of the Worksite International Network (WINetwork) of Certified Ergonomics Specialists, giving you access to unique opportunities exclusive to this group. 

Discounts available for groups of 3 or more.  Contact Alison for a course consultation.

Schedule a Complimentary Course Consultation

Get an insider's look at this comprehensive training. See why we are different from all the others in the ergonomics training marketplace.

Are YOU ready to transform yourself by participating in our career-changing courses?  Ask me your questions. Let's set up a time to talk to review the course details and how becoming a Certified Ergonomics Specialist can help you accomplish your goals. Book your course consultation today!

As a student of the Worksite International Ergonomics Training Academy and specifically, our professional courses (CASp, COESp, CRESp), you are an exclusive member of the Worksite International Network (WINetwork) of Certified Ergonomics Specialists! The WINetwork represents quality and competency in ergonomics service delivery using the various WI Systems of Ergonomic Evaluations. Participants stay up to date with happenings in the ergonomics marketplace as it applies to their current role and receive numerous benefits.

What Students Say About the CASp Training

It should be considered essential.

It should be considered essential.

"I have the skills and tools to immediately review all current office chairs, build a maintenance program, and report on the cost benefits of either repairing or replacing current chairs. It should be considered essential for any employer looking to choose and maintain the best chairs for employee health, safety, comfort, and productivity." ~ Elizabeth K., Ph.D., Ergonomics Consultant

An Informative and Structured Approach

An Informative and Structured Approach

“I compared this course with a few providers and found Worksite International more informative and structured than others. I appreciate that Alison's very proactive in getting to know her students and understand why they decide to take the courses so she can provide deeper support. She will really answer the questions you have in mind to help you to learn." ~ Kei Kei C. Founder, Ekobor Asia Specific Limited

Able to use what I learned right away.

Able to use what I learned right away.

“Yes, this was a great class and I learned so much! I was able to use what I learned right away. I helped a manager order some new chairs and replacing old ones that were cheap and broken.” ~ Andree G., Public Health RN, Shriners Hospital

Love Alison's inspiration and encouragement!

Love Alison's inspiration and encouragement!

As an ergo consultant this is the second class I’ve taken from Alison; each course includes invaluable info. I have much more depth than previously in my approach to chair ergonomics. Also--I always love Alison’s inspiration and encouragement!” ~ Stephanie W., DC, CIE Golden Gate Ergonomics

Instructor, Coach, Mentor

Alison Heller-Ono

Alison Heller-Ono

Serving Corporations for over 27 years.

“I believe office ergonomics is a foundational skill before one can study higher level ergonomics. I have trained hundreds of professionals to successfully perform quality, reliable office ergonomic evaluations using the Worksite International Ergonomics Evaluation Systems. Students transform themselves in just a few months, achieving ongoing success within their companies or as a professional consulting career.”

Alison Heller-Ono is President/CEO of Worksite International, Inc., and has been teaching and mentoring professionals in the art and science of ergonomics for over 25 years. She is a “pioneer” in the Bay Area Ergonomics Community.Alison is a veteran physical therapist (MSPT), possesses 2 board certifications in Ergonomics (CPE and CIE) and is a Certified Disability Analyst (CDA).

Alison’s body of work has been peer-reviewed nationally and internationally to validate the Worksite International Systems of Evaluation and Training as a trusted and reliable approach to organizational ergonomics.

Disclaimer: This private credential workshop is provided to assure competency in conducting ergonomic evaluations within your organization only. There is no state or national licensing criteria required to perform ergonomics analysis in the workplace. However, there is national board certification process to become a certified professional (CPE)or industrial ergonomist (CIE). Completion of this course does not mean the certificate holder is qualified to perform evaluations outside of the organization as a consultant nor can they call themselves a certified “ergonomist”. Our certificate program is designed to help you evaluate healthy employees and set up safe work areas in the office. Students awarded with a Certificate as an Office Ergonomics Specialist demonstrate the competency to use the Worksite International Ergonomics Evaluation System to perform office ergonomic evaluations. For more information on national certification, ask us or read our blogs on ergonomics certificates and certifications.